Expected litters 2024:
We don't yet know what plans Mother Nature has for 2024. Announcement will follow with more news.
Would you like to know more about our working method?
You can find more information under the 'waiting list' item on this website.
who we are
We are a family of 4. My name is Inge. From an early age my heart went out to animals and babies. I became a midwife. Every day I witnessed the most beautiful thing that nature can give us.
Meanwhile my husband Alex and I became the proud parents of a son and a daughter.
The love for animals was successfully passed on and soon the desire for a four-legged friend grew in the house. Due to the prevailing allergies in our family, we quickly chose the allergy-friendly Australian Labradoodle. After the inevitable wait, we finally closed our 'Minnie' forever in our arms and our hearts.
When Minnie, soft by nature, grew into the beautiful and sweet dog she is today, we realized that we wanted to pass on her good genes to make other families happy.
After a two-year evening study, I received the 'Dog breeder' certificate. In 2018, Minnie also passed her tests with flying colors and our adventure could begin.
Out of love and respect for our dogs we breed on a small scale and according to the rules of the ALAEU. The ALAEU is a European association of breeders of the Australian Labradoodle. The main goal is to breed Australian Labradoodles with the best possible mental and physical health. The welfare of the dog is paramount.
Health tests
From the age of 12 months, all our dogs, unless parentally cleared, are tested for hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, patellar luxation, PRA (progressive retinal atrophy), DM (degenerative myelopathy), improper coat and EIC (exercise induced collapse)._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In addition, each dog receives an annual, comprehensive eye test that is performed by an ECVO specialist.